Airborne defense suite for operational aircraft ‘Talisman’

The 'Talisman' ADS is designed for operational aircraft protection against:
- All types of Air-to-Air (AAMs) and Surface-to-Air (SAMs) guided missiles armed with active (semi-active) radar seekers.
- All types of Air-to-Air (AAMs) and Surface-to-Air (SAMs) guided missiles armed with electro-optical (infrared) seekers.
- Ground-based air defense systems, employing command-guided SAMs.
The ADS 'Talisman' also ensures aircraft protection against the ‘friendly fire’ of air intercept missile systems as well as ground-based air defense systems.
Main advantages and singularity:
- Automatic (with no pilot/operator's input) jamming generation against all hostile illumination RESs.
- No restrictions on the number of the simultaneously jammed on-board and ground-based RESs.
- Total exclusion of the ADS-carrier self-radiation.
- The employment of the ADS places no restrictions on the air combat tactics of the aircraft under protection.
- When in close formation, the ADS-carrier securely covers a friendly neighbouring aircraft with no EPE.
- Full electromagnetic compatibility with the self radio electronic equipment of the aircraft under protection.